amazing gamedev tip #1March 24, 2023
if you hate making your game, your game will turn out shit.
In all seriousness though, I feel rather ambivalent about game development right now. I honestly just want to have fun with it again like when I was a kid. I guess actively trying to monetize your hobby has the potential to make you burnout and quit entirely. There's definitely steps I can take to improve my engine (and workflow) so that the next project isn't hell, but I'll be taking my time from now on. In an older log, I said I was learning Euclidean geometry, but I instead decided to switch over to algebra (gelfand) and I swear the cogs in my mind started working again. I think I'm just going to learn mathematics while slowly easing myself back into game development. I've devised a roadmap for my future gamedev-related endeavors. Here it is if you're interested: 1) Optimize the engine
2) Optimize the workflowLVL format
MTD format
ATD format
CXC format
3) Add new features
4) Make an even smaller-scoped helicopter demo
I've also started using Fedora again, and unfortunately I haven't been able to get my capture card to work in OBS. Any future recordings will likely take place on mednafen until I can find a workaround (or make one)... |